
Spills, is a performance followed by a spatial exploration of relations between body and natural elements and atmospheres - sensations on a micro-phenomenological level. Understanding natural processes such as transformation, evolution, growth, decay, destruction or unpredictability is inspires to think about spatial structures. Architectural rules followed by natural aspects of materials create environment that breathes and reacts. For example, hygroscopic features of wooden structures reacting to the humidity and changing its geometry, or various forms of water (ice and mist) becoming performative objects and its transformations choreographic transitions. All of these natural elements are explored as single objects, in their interconnectedness and in the relation to the human body.

Concept and performance: Rósa Ómarsdóttir
Scenography: Dora Durkesac
Music: Nicolai Hovgaard Johansen and Rósa Ómarsdóttir
Sound design: Nicolai Hovgaard Johansen
Light installation, light design and technical manager: Hákon Pálsson
Light assistanc: Kjartan Darri Kristjánsson
Costume: Kristjana Björg Reynisdóttir
Dramaturgy: Ingrid Vranken
Artistic Assistance: Ana Dubljevic